Welcome to the home of the CMIT ES PTO!

Hello and welcome Tiger families! CMIT ES PTO is starting its 10th year of providing funding support and FUN support for students and staff. Last school year, we continued our mission to improve technology and communication for students and educators at the school! We are excited to share some of our accomplishments that we are most proud of in the graphic to the right/below ----->

Thanks to our members, donors, volunteers, and scholars for making last year a success! 

The PTO membership year restarted on July 1. All parents, guardians, and caregivers are encouraged to become members of the PTO - your input is valuable and needed!

Also, the volunteer approvals restarted at the end of the school year. Please consider applying/reapplying to volunteer with us. 

Visit the Volunteer page to complete those steps.

Stay connected with us! Visit our LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/cmitespto 

How do I...? Where do I...?

Did you know we have a NEW Facebook group?

We started a new Facebook Group: CMIT North Elementary PTO Families with the mission to improve communication and connection between families. We welcome posts from community members. Anyone can ask a question, and anyone can answer! Please join us and participate in the discussions. 

Current Events

Grub for Grandparents is Friday, January 24!

Grub for Grandparents is coming up on Friday, January 24! During Grub for Grandparents we invite the grandparents of our scholars into the school to visit their scholar(s) in class, share stories, have light refreshments, and take photos. The RSVP link for guests will be forthcoming. 

We HIGHLY recommend your guests pre-register including uploading their ID to make check in easier and quicker on the day of the event. We look forward to hosting our wonderful grandparents at this special event!

We are looking for volunteers to help host this event. Please ensure you are cleared to volunteer with PGCPS and CMIT North ES.

Please sign up here if you are able to volunteer: https://forms.gle/HXgDCifNVZchYqzQ6

Bylaws Revision

It is time once again to revise our PTO Bylaws. Here is a draft of the proposed changes which will be reviewed at the November 20th meeting and voted on by members at the January 29th meeting: DRAFT CMIT NES PTO Bylaws Revisions.

January PTO Meeting

There is no PTO meeting in December! Instead we will catch up in January on Zoom. 

We will provide an update on committees, vote on the updated Bylaws, recap past events and discuss upcoming activities. 

See you there!
